X-Men: Days of Future
Wow. Don’t be late to this
er than I imagined. The
CGI was phenomenal.
The writing was well
thought out. Aside from
having to write in so
The summer blockbusters many character, there
have begun. After a long
was the issue of time
dreary winter, a shameless- travel. As Cheesy as time
ly tardy spring and few false travel can be, the writers
starts to the summer movie found a way to avoid the
season, we have our jump usual hokey pokey stuff
start with this X-Men effort. and it paid off. This idea
for turning back the clock
Great performances by all. will be revisited I am sure.
I want to point one or two
performances as highlights Action galore and so
but that would be unfair to much story to explore....
this incredible cast. Every
Grade A
person in this film was remarkable. Enough of that. See this film...and stay
through the entire credit
Lets talk Sentinels. I have
waited so very long for the You’re welcome.
sentinels story line and this
did not disappoint. They
were even faster and sleekIt’s Christ Or Nothing