n life sometimes we get to a point
where we have to make tough decisions.
Sometimes the choice we make requires
us to take a step back. I know there are
many people that have a problem with
stepping back. There may be a feeling of
going backwards in life, a feeling of not
progressing or even a feeling of failure.
NOT SO! Stepping back could mean that
you’re on your way to growth. At times we
can’t see the obstacles in front of us, so we
have to take a step back to see them clearly
and to choose our next steps.
It’s Christ Or Nothing
Bottom line
is you have
to do what
you have
to do. If
you have been
traveling on a
road for 2 hours
and end up
on a dead end
road, what do
you do? Do you
stop and get
mad at the fact
that you have
traveled so long,
only to come to
a dead end on
the road? Do
you get discouraged and just
don’t do anything else? Do
you give up?
NO! What you want to
do is get in that car, turn
around, GO BACK, and
find another road to get
to where you want to go.
Remember, sometimes
going back is actually going forward.