ICONIC JAN 2015 | Page 53

“He’s Here,” was named the 27th most-played gospel song of 2007 by the trade publication R&R (Radio and Records).” That is awesome for a new artist on an independent label,” Niyoki says. She and her husband purchased an RV and toured the country with her background singers, appearing at churches and on concerts with such artists as Karen Clark-Sheard, Kierra “Kiki” Sheard, and Virtue. In 2007, Niyoki also performed on Radio One’s One Love Cruise of the Caribbean, which featured, among others, Fred Hammond, Donald Lawrence, and Cheryl “Coko” Clemons, formerly of SWV, the R&B group that had initially inspired Milenia. With Rest, Niyoki feels that her life and her music have come full circle. “I’m so peaceful with my little boy,” she explains. “I’m just really, really happy to know God more and in a closer way than ever before. It’s given me that rest that most people are longing for, and that I’m happy to say that I have.” ICONICRADIO.COM 36