You fellas on Twitter??
“Breathe Again” is
A lot of people are
confused. They think it’s a worship
song. That’s what’s great about music
is it can be left up to interpretation. With
me, my wife is one of the most inspiring
people that I’ve ever met. Truly feel like
God created her specifically for me. I
promised her I wouldn’t write a bunch
of songs about her. Some of our past
records have probably three or four
songs about my wife on each record.
Our Illusion Record, which you mentioned Through it All earlier, I tried to
dial it back a bit and not have so many
songs about her. I figured on the new
record on Breath Again, I should have
at least one.
Seneca: O k a y .
Well, you know what?
We got to put a shout out
to his wife because she’s
the inspiration for the
Spoken: T h a t ’ s
awesome. As far as Take
my Breath Away, she’s
very inspiring. It’s really that. She’s one of the
most inspiring people,
one of the nicest people.
She goes above and beyond when it comes to
trying to meet people where they’re at and
to encourage them. Luckily, she’s my voice
of reason most of the time.
How do you balance working and with all the travels and being the
husband? How does that not ...
In the end it is a juggle. It is
something that is a constant jiggle of to try to
juggle priorities. Luckily for me, one, God is
right in the middle of everything. He makes
a way. He makes it possible. Another, my
wife, she shows a ton of grace through the
whole situation of me being on the road and
me traveling. I have two children as well. I
have a nine-year-old son named Jackson
and a four-year-old son named Hudson.
Being on the road takes a toll on everyone.
Somehow, someway, it always works out.
That doesn’t mean it’s not hard to be gone
but there’s a greater purpose. My family understands that. We’re super involved at our
church. We’d be trying to reach out to people whether I was on the road or not.