ICG Team ALTO Drill Vol.3 | Page 2


BY Icg Team

Alto Drill™

new arrivals

Alto Drill

Ready to Drill


Alto Drill™ integrates seamlessly with other key systems and tools that producers use from Excel spreadsheets to industry software and data management systems.


What is it?

Software and data management developed and designed to integrate, track and manage the cross-functional workflow from identification of a prospect through to regulatory and in-house approval of formal drilling applications.

What does it do?

Alto Drill™ is a workflow management tool that enables producers to capture, integrate and move data and information across the key roles and functions involved in completing the approval process to begin drilling, in a standardized and transparent way.

Alto DrillTM:

• Integrates the drilling application work across geosciences, engineering, accounting, capital management, land and drilling departments, etc.

Alto Drill™ Better management of plans and applications to drill.

For more info visit


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