ICC Advisor Monday Update 9.23.13 Issue 2 Sept. 2013 | Page 4

Service Goals

hen we, in the Student

Development Office talk

about the importance of

giving back to your campus and community, we are, at the same time talking to ourselves. The following are ways in which we and ASG are planning on giving back this semester!


New to our programming this year is our Pluck-a-Duck program. During the months of October and November, we will be selling rubber ducks that have been decorated by the children at the Child Development Center and students for $10. On November 5th all of the purchased ducks will be added to a pool, and and "plucked"; who ever's duck is chosen, wins a prize! Clubs can get involved by selling ducks, and if a duck that is plucked was sold by a club, they too get a fund prize for the club!

Turkey Drive

One of our annual giving opportunities on campus is the Turkey Drive. During the months of October and November, the Associated Student Government will be collecting non-perishable food and money to be given to campus families in need this holiday season! Clubs can participate by holding food drives and bringing the food to SSC 211A, or collecting funds and bringing it to SSC 210.


Another annual giving opportunity is Adopt-a-family in which the Associated Student Government works with the campus and community to collect gifts and money to give to fellow students' families through some of our campus programs. The gifts and funds go directly to the children of Saddleback students who are in need during the holidays.

Cause Hope

The Student Development Office's Campus Life program really started gaining steam last year through various events and activities. One of our kick-off events, and one that we are truly proud of is Cause Hope. The event, cost $0 - believe it or not! Vendors who have built in giving back to their business model are invited to sell their goods on campus. At this event, you can purchase your holiday gifts and give back at the same time!

Now, it's your turn!

One way to make your club experience really meaningful is to construct a solid set of goals that meet your club's mission (as stated in your governing documents) and to plan an execute an event or fundraiser that directly relates back to the goals that your club has established.

If you were to accomplish this, and at the same time the benefits to you, your members, the community and those that you are helping are exponentially increased.

I strongly encourage you and your members to plan an event that directly gives back to a population or organization in need of help!


Event Tip

ublicity is always necessary

when planning an event.

Publicizing both on-campus and off-campus is extremely important when planning an event. How else are people going to know what is going on? One major thing that we are always thinking about is, what will catch the students' eyes? So, when you are submitting your request for publicity, or you are constructing a flyer or poster, make sure you are keeping that in mind - what would you pay attention to? One important thing to note is that emails do not get sent out to students, so our only outlets are:

Electronic Outlets

When you submit your Event Form through Symplicity (Club Portal), you have the option to request that Student Development submit a request to advertise your event through on-campus electrconic outlets, we are able to request publicity through:

- Marquees

- Saddleback's main webpage

- Mysite

- Faculty and Staff email Only

We complete the request form with our Public Information Office who makes a comprehensive list of all events that are happening across campus.


You are permitted to post flyers and posters in 3 official locations across the campus large brown boards located:

- Near the bookstore (SSC)

- On the bridge between BGS and SM

- In front of the pool area.

You are always welcome to post flyers and posters in the second floor halway of SSC between the cafeteria and the Gaucho Lounge. Any other are requires approval of the division office to post.

Please also make sure not to take down or cover someone else's posters or flyers.


You are encouraged to visit local businesses and ask thay they post your events in their establishments. Please make sure to be kind and curteous to the businesses so that other student groups will have success when approaching the businesses to advertise for them as well.

If you come across a helpful business, it would be wonderful if you forward their information to me, so I can add them to a list of businesses that are great to work with!