One of my favourite topics to train on and it’s much easier than thinking outside
the box. Thinking INSIDE the Box for a home-based travel seller is where tools
and creativity come together. You just have to know what those tools are.
Before we get to those tools let’s quickly
explore the Thinking OUTSIDE the Box
model. The phrase is a metaphor that means
to think differently, unconventionally, or
from a new perspective. This phrase often
refers to creative thinking, however it is
overused by management consultants and
senior management and an activity that can
cost you an arm and a leg whether the plan
goes well or not. Thinking OUTSIDE is often
taken literally and interpreted to mean
buying talent, new equipment and even
expanding the premises. You get the picture.
Very few companies or individuals think
outside the box without spending money.
Conversely the SMP model, Thinking INSIDE
the Box, makes use of the existing tools and
talents and here’s the key point: hardly any
company makes use of all the tools and
talent at their disposal. It’s true. When you
ponder this for yourself, go back in time to
when you worked for someone else, you will
know that management hardly listened to
the talent they had hired. Employees gave
up ideas that never made it to the discussion
table. It’s just one of those things inherent in
corporate life. So you learn from this
OUTSIDE the box thinking and you go INSIDE
to find the gems. Let’s take a look inside that
box that you have access to.
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