Steve Crowhurst, CTC, Publisher
5 Screen Marketing
So which screen do you prefer when watching movies, YouTube videos, commercials and travel
shows? Does it depend upon where you are at the time, who you’re with and what screen is
available to you? Well it’s the same process for your clients and once you tap into who they are
by generation and then factor in their screen watching habits, you’ll be better able to target your
5 Screen Marketing Plan.
This issue takes a look at Gamification and how that fits into your 5 Screen Marketing Plan as
some Boomers and Gen X’ers and of course Gen Y are attracted to game related marketing.
With the new Canadian anti-spam laws on the horizon and the existing spam laws in Australia,
UK, USA and many other countries the chips are down! Read my page, Spam ‘n’ Chips and see if
it makes sense. If you do follow your country’s anti-spam rules then building a base of new cli