IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 8

Happy Anniversary IBA Success Magazine !

Happy Anniversary to IBA Success Magazine ! The past two years have been the triumphant
realization of a dream with a sprinkling of trials and a few tribulations along the way .
The plan to create an innovative marketing platform has completely materialized and our readers continue to express that they are more aware of what it requires to be successful in their business endeavors . Advertisers are experiencing increased revenue and established businesses are expanding by implementing the best-practices found within our pages . The first issue hit the streets in December 2014 and here we are in 2017 . With two great years under our belts , the best is yet to come !
I am honored to have worked with some of the best professionals in the industry while grooming and mentoring others and I want to use this space to extend a hearty thank you to all of them . Without hesitation , I first want to thank God for giving me the strength and perseverance in reaching my goals and placing Michelle Rivera , whom bridged the gap between my dreams and visions , in my path . Thank you Johnell Brewington for picking up where Michelle left off and pushing team success like no other .
On days when I thought of giving up the input , guidance and real talk of my friends kept me going . Thank you Anthony Bonaparte . Thank you Tramayne , for giving IBA Success a fresh new look , and for showing me that trust is earned not given freely . It ’ s called lessons learned ! Thank you to Alexandra Adams , my current creative force , who gracefully continues to make IBA Success shine brighter than I ever thought it possible .
Without awesome images , there wouldn ’ t be an awesome magazine , so to my outstanding team of photographers , I applaud you . Ted Hollins you were my first , you will always be the foot of my sole . Thank you Johnell Brewington and Kayo Williams for your team spirit which pushed me to another level of creativity . The laid-back demeanor shared by Kevyn was a learning curve at the end and another great lesson learned . Randi Walker , your professionalism was a breath of fresh air and your family oriented team was an inspiration to witness . And recently added to the IBA family , thank you Javier Rodriguez . You are always on time and ready to create magic !
Behind the glam , fun and excitement , I must thank the arms that keep me reaching and the feet that keep me standing . Thank you to my wonderful mother Janet Williams , you are my rock , my backbone and my # 1 fan ! Thank you Jazmyn Yon , my princess ; you are the reason I work so hard . Your support has been the force behind my drive . Without you watching me there would be no IBA Success Magazine . You are my truest inspiration . Tracy Williams , your strength and can do , will do attitude , taught me not to wait on no one . It ’ s because of you that I often say , “ Let ’ s make it happen .” You rock girl ! There ’ s something to be said about loyalty and Dreamer Hall embodies the word . Your eye for perfection is more than appreciated . Thank you , Danna Jackson-Carroll , you make me look fabulous in more ways than one . With almost two decades of support and friendship , I look forward to many more .
Stephanie Melendez , your organizational assistance is a great asset to IBA and keeps us solidly on track . Angie Filmore , although our time was short I appreciate the fun and the teaching that will anchor my future . Every Editor needs a team to keep things punctual and Sharylne Thomas ensures we meet our deadlines .
Thank you to all the advertisers , especially Table and Chairs ; you all have been with IBA Success since day 1 ! Your support is greatly appreciated . I take personal pride in watching your company blossom over the last two years and consider it among my greatest accomplishments . The proof is in the puddling !
My final Thank you must go to the readers . Without you creating a high demand for IBA Success Magazine , the distribution would not be at the level it is . So , as I turn the page to my next chapter , I invite you all to stay tuned … because the best is yet to come .
Happy Anniversary IBA Success Magazine !