IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 56



YOUR TARGET Audience is OUR TARGET Audience !

IBA Success magazine is a marketing campaign geared towards promoting entrepreneurs , organizations and nationwide brands worldwide on a multi-level platform . Our innovative approach delivers results by customizing our distributing pertaining to our advertiser ’ s demographic audience .
IBA remains committed to providing our advertisers with results-driven advertising that will increase brand awareness , build revenue streams and connect you with your target audience . We are devoted to providing affordable and effective options that are specifically designed to help you reach your greatest potential . Our mission is simple , to provide consistent and strategic public relations advertising and marketing guidance as we cultivate a relationship , not just sale an ad ! Join the IBA Family as we continue to climb together !


Marketing Consultation with Business Brain Storming , Strategic and Goal Planning On-Line Digital Viewing with SEO OPTIMIZATION over 300,000 Readers Each Campaign 50,000 Hi-Gloss Printed Magazines distributed directly to your target demographic audience Social Media Campaign posting on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , Linked IN , Google and You Tube Public Relations Marketing through Hosted , Sponsored or Invited Events Specific Targeted Industry Related Networking Events - “ Where We Go , You Go !” Email Blasting of our growing data base – currently reaches over 45K Text Message Blasting of our growing data base – currently reaches over 60K Over 5K in Paid Subscriptions

2017 Campaign Schedule - Volume 3

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
February / March ....................................................................................... Anniversary Edition – Happy New Year Deadline to Advertise January 1 , 2017
April / May ..................................................................................................... Food , Wine & Travel Edition Deadline to Advertise March 1 , 2017
June / July ..................................................................................................... Home Improvement Edition Deadline to Advertise May 1 , 2017
August / September ................................................................................. Back to School Edition Deadline to Advertise July 1 , 2017
October / November ............................................................................... Awareness Edition Deadline to Advertise September 1 , 2017
December / January ................................................................................. Holiday Edition Deadline to Advertise November 1 , 2017
Edition topics subject to change | ADVERTISE WITH US @ Advertise @ IBASuccess . com | 1-800-719-8231 Ext . 4