IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 54

" Let ' s Climb Together "... Jennifer Yon

“ I ’ d advise you not to start a magazine .” I will never forget those words . I will never forget the man who looked me in my eyes and not only said it once but repeated himself . He wasn ’ t being critical of my skills but he understood the difficulty of the industry . He understood the late nights and harrowing deadlines , but what he failed to understand was my determination . I wonder these days if he realizes that the very cautious words he spoke have been my driving force .
Two years and ten Issues later , IBA Success Magazine is still here and thriving . We have had minor setbacks , only to come back with new looks , new ideas , and new teams . As I look back on the very first issue , published in December of 2014 , I am ecstatic to see our growth . I am thankful for the advertisers who have been with me from the beginning . I am thankful for the ones who have stabbed me in the back because I ’ ve learned to be more perceptive . I am thankful for the friends who believed in my dreams and encouraged me to stand firm and keep climbing . I am grateful for the mentors who provided resources and gave advice unknowingly .
Through it all , I am a firm believer that it takes a team to execute your dreams . We dreamed it , we worked it , and we conquered it ! And so , can you !
Yes , You ! When you have decided that failing is not an option , doors will open at the precise time you may be feeling indecisive , but if you walk , no strut through the doors , with your head high and your mind set on your success , regardless of the naysayers or hatters … you will achieve the results you are seeking . I am a prime example that there are no mountains too high if you believe you can fly .
As I soar through 2017 , I encourage you all to join me . Let ’ s kick defeat in the face and dedicate ourselves to reach the goals others may believe are not meant for us . What you allow in your subconscious will either bring out the beast or lay eggs . I personally chose to bring out the BEAST !
For 2017 let ’ s create a life of peace , happiness and success .
Let ’ s Climb Together

Jennifer Yon

54 IBASuccessMagazine . com