IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 46

service providers



By : Jennifer Yon
For Businesses :
Being a business owner comes with great responsibility . As a selfemployed individual , I wear multiple hats depending on the circumstance . There is the daily duty of handling operations , marketing , as well as many other tasks that arise . Once you decide to become a business owner , having proper support is crucial for your overall success .
The juggle between one thing and another can be stressful , especially when it comes to staying in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ), and maintaining and managing your books . I am a firm believer in allowing people to perform the roles that they are best equipped to do ; and unless you ' re a certified accountant or tax preparer , your tax matters for your business should be left to the professionals . For a smoother tax experience , here are some tips :
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