IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 3 Issue 1 | Page 36

ReadersMonumental Moments of 2016 ...

Read on …. from our readers and contributors on what was monumental for them in 2016 !
As I prepared for a one week solo trip out of town , a dear friend said “ You have no car in your life right now because God wants you to walk . There is something that He is trying to show you .” He continued to tell me about a walk he ’ d taken from downtown Orlando to the University of Central Florida and how it was life-altering . Of course I thought he was crazy . On my trip to Hollywood , Florida I decided to leave my hotel to have an adventure . A failed attempt to find a recommended breakfast spot turned into an opportunity . I just started walking . I crossed paths with a kind old man on the beach who asked if I was hiking and I replied , “ I am now ”. That was my most profound moment of 2016 . It was the first day of opening myself up totally and trusting in God to keep me safe . With only 30 dollars in my pocket , I walked 12.7 miles . Having that alone time with God and Mother Nature helped me realize that I don ’ t need material things to be happy in life . While having material things can be nice it ’ s even better to have the total freedom of experiencing the world .
I decided to go to the beach one day with a friend just to meditate and reflect on some things that were happening in my life . During that moment I felt God begin to teach me to sit back and chill . After all the praying and all the hard work that I was doing , I needed to sit back and really enjoy all the fruits of my labor . I realized I needed to sit back and just allow God to do what GOD needed to do . This was my most profound moment of 2016
- Alexia Written
In February of 2016 , I was diagnosed with cancer . Since then the journey has been rough and expensive , my caregiver and I got to the point where we needed financial support to maintain my treatment regimen . A woman named Wally British , who has a significant social media presence , helped me make my first video on Facebook . We also opened up a “ GoFundMe ” page . Since that moment people from all over the world have been sending in money , supplies and prayers . This was my most profound moment of 2016 because God has revealed to me what it ’ s like to walk in humility . I also gained a restored faith in humanity because so many people have reach out to help . Finally , I ’ ve learned that blessings and opportunities come in ways you would least expect . # letshelpjanine
- Janine Grossett
My most profound moment of 2016 was taking a sculpting class at Valencia Community College . I loved art , but didn ’ t know what I would be doing with it . I have drawn most of my life so I figured I would make a career of it , but once I got the opportunity to experience with clay ; I found my calling . I literally wanted to learn everything I could about it . Since that first class , I have continued to be a student of the art and I will always appreciate the freedom provided by my first professor .
At the beginning of the class the Professor let us choose what we wanted to do and he simply assisted . This opened up so many closed doors for me , and I got to explore the field in a way that I wanted to . I learned so many methods of creating , and even developed techniques unique to my specific style . My classes exposed me to mold making and even welding . The feeling of knowing that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life grew stronger with each project that I worked on . Taking that sculpting class was easily the most profound moment of my life this year .
- Johnathan Gelzer