IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Volume 2 Issue 3 | Page 8

GREATNESS G BY: MICHAEL VAPPIELLE reatness is defined as excellence, prominence, immense and merit. To exist and not reach for the best you can be in your life will leave you feeling hollow at best. You have this moment in time to step into who you desire to be. As with anything you want to construct, you must first have a vision, and then you must find time to put your vision on paper where you can see your plan materialize into success. There are basic steps on a path to greatness. Building on these solid and proven principals will help guide you as you walk through various encounters in life. Being prepared to go the distance in each challenge in your life will ensure the fulfillment of a successful outcome. There will many opportunities in whatever endeavor you encounter to make it better. By taking advantage of those opportunities, this is when you will see the results of your involvement. You just have to have the willingness to push yourself harder and further than anyone else. Greatness isn’t something that can be designed but rather, something that can be achieved. It is your never-ending drive to accomplish and improve on all that came before you. Greatness is the bi-product of amazing triumphs during your life’s journey. Forever pushing forward toward your greatness is fueled by a never-ending Aspiration to be your very best. 8 ibasuccessmagazine . com /April 2016