IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Issue 5 Volume 5 | Página 36



By Todd Speciale

Most of us take this simple word for granted . There was a Buddha who was asked what he thought the biggest mistake we make in life is ? His reply was ; “ The biggest mistake we make is , we think we have time .” Time is free , but it is priceless . You cannot own it , but you can use it . You cannot keep it , but you can spend it . Once it is lost , you can never get it back .

The average person lives 78 years . We spend 28.3 years of our life sleeping . That is almost a third of our life . However , 37 % of us struggle to sleep well . We spend 10.5 years of our lives working , but over 67 % of us want to leave our current jobs .
Time is so much more valuable than money . You can get more money , but you can never get more time . We spend 9 years of our lives watching television and on social media . We spend 6 years doing chores . We spend 4 years eating and drinking . We spend 3.5 years in education . We spend 2.5 years grooming . We spend 2.5 years shopping . We spend 1.5 years at childcare and 1.3 years commuting . That leaves us with 9 years to spend living our lives for us . So the question is , how will you spend that time ? Your time is limited . Live it with no regrets .
There ’ s good news and there ’ s bad news . The bad news is time flies , but the good news is you ’ re the pilot . Imagine you wake up every day with $ 86,400 dollars in your bank account and at the end of the night it ’ s all gone , whether you spend it or not . Then the next day you get
Resume not getting callbacks ? Alysse has helped thousands of job seekers land their dream job by snitching on what recruiters really look for in a resume . another $ 86,400 dollars to spend , what would you do with it ? What we seem to forget is that every day God gives us the gift of 86,400 seconds which are deposited into your life account ! At the end of the day when they ’ re all used up , you get a new 86,400 seconds . We would never waste it if it were money , so why do we waste it when it comes to time ? Those seconds are so much more powerful then dollars . You can always make more money , but you can never make more time .
To realize the value of one year , talk to a student who failed a grade who was retained . To realize the value of one month , ask a mother who lost their child in the final month of her pregnancy . To realize the value of one hour , ask the loving couple who ’ s in a long distance relationship who can ’ t reach out and touch one another . To realize the value of one minute , ask the person who just missed a plane , train or bus and has to wait for the next one . To realize the value of one second , ask the person who just missed a fatal accident where someone else lost their life . To realize the value of a millisecond , ask the Olympic runner who lost by one and trained for four long years to win .
We think that it is people wasting our time , but it really is us giving them the permission to do that . Don ’ t let someone be a priority , when all you are to them is an option . Some of us lose those most important people in our lives , because we don ’ t value their time . Some of us don ’ t recognize how important someone is to us until they ’ re gone and only then do you feel that pain .
Inside all of us there are two voices . Two individuals pushing and pulling . One that wants us to rise , grow and uplift ourselves , guaranteeing a life to love , live and laugh at our highest potential ! Then there ’ s the other voice , the voice that holds us back that makes us lazy , lethargic or feeling as if we ’ re entitled . This voice makes us complacent . This VOICE strips us of our potential , allowing mediocrity to set in .
Every day from the moment we wake up , until the moment we go to sleep , inside of us there ’ s a battle between those two voices and guess which one wins ? The one that we listen to most ! The one that we feed . The one that we amplify . It is our choice how we decide to live our lives and no one in the world other than the person in the mirror is going to allow you to smile , love , laugh , and grow at your full elevation .
To some , these are just mathematical equations that may not add up , but to others it is all too true to the lives they are living . You have the right to do as you please . This life is yours . Every should has to be a must in order to be the person you were meant to be . Go after that raise ! Speak your mind ! Take that vacation ! Take a chance on love ! Follow your passion and live every moment as if there ’ s no tomorrow !
From this point on , live free . Live for the seconds most take for granted . Be grateful for the gifts you already have , not the ones you ’ re yet to receive . Love with every ounce of your soul and do it now , because tomorrow is never promised . Your time is now . Not an hour from now , a week from now or more . It ’ s time to begin . Are you ready ? n
Todd Speciale Omni Group Global todd @ omnigroupglobal . com
34 IBA Success Magazine n VOL 4 , Issue 5