hen you love what you do it shows…in more
ways than one. I love creating themes and
topics that resonate with readers. I find it to
be especially satisfying particularly when
welcoming you to a new campaign. Prior to an issue
being published, I’ve literally poured hundreds of hours
into making it the best product possible and I love every
minute. Only recently, however, have I recognized the high
personal price that I pay for bringing so much to so many.
There have been times when I’ve missed important
milestones in life because I’m so laser focused on IBA
Success Magazine. When I recently wrestled with meeting
my granddaughter for our special lunch date versus setting
an appointment with a potential client, I knew it was time
to start thinking about balance. I had to consider how to
maintain a quality publication while doing a better job of
juggling life’s other essentials.
So today I consider myself a recovering workaholic. I am
determined to pull away from my 80 hour work weeks. I
know that the business will always occupy the bulk of my
life, but I must make a greater effort to maintain quality,
personal relationships that pour back into me emotionally
so that I’m in the best place to pour into IBA Success
The self exploration required for this journey has been
huge. I’ve sought input from leading professionals as well
as people who just know me well. Throughout this fledging
journey, I’ve met some awesome people, heard a lot of
horror stories and even got my feelings hurt a little. Hey,
growth hurts and you can't develop personally without
moving outside of your comfort zone.
So this is what I’ve decided. As much as I love IBA Success
Magazine, I never want the people in my life to feel slighted
by my absence, so I commit to be present. I commit to being
a better friend, daughter, sister, etc. It is for these people
that I work so hard everyday anyway. I never realized how a
night at home with my family energized me that much more
in my business.
When I feel compelled to shift a personal commitment and
replace it with a work commitment, I will force myself to
stick with my original plan. IBA Success Magazine and the
advertisers will continue to get 100% of my commitment,
but my granddaughter will also remember the quality time
we spent together.
It’s amazing how this journey has changed my perspective
on so many things. I am open to the possibility of
surrendering love to receive love. If the recent suicides of
Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have taught me one
thing, it’s that money does not buy happiness; happiness
comes from a peace, love and support through genuine
relationships that are mutually beneficial. So as you flip
through this current issue, I challenge you to examine your
personal relationships, beginning with yourself, and make
the necessary changes to create a more balanced life that
brings joy, not stress.
In the words of Jill Scott, “Live your life like it’s Golden.”
Welcome to the Summer Edition of IBA Success Magazine.
Be blessed and love yourself first so you can love others.
—Jennifer Yon
VOL 4, Issue 4