IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Issue 4 Vol 3 | Page 37

In 2015, 1 in 5 (22%) new HIV/AIDS diagnosis in the U.S. were among youth 13 - 24 years old. The highest rates of transmission were among young gay and bisexual African- American, Hispanic, and Caucasian males; in addition to young heterosexual African-American females. Risk factors for HIV/AIDS among youth include inadequate sex education, low condom use, multiple sex partners, high rates of sexually transmitted diseases, stigma, and lack of HIV testing. At Let's Beehive!, Inc., we are dedicated to teaching children and adults effective HIV prevention strategies. We offer comprehensive sex education and risk reduction classes. For inquiries about our BEE-SAFE program, please email Dr. Andrea Dunn at [email protected]. "HIV Education is our passport to an HIV-free generation" DR. ANDREA DUNN W WW .L E T S B E E HIVE .OR G | ( 4 0 7 ) 8 8 3 - 17 19 P .O. B OX 5 5 5 9 2 6 OR L AN DO, F L 3 2 80 5