IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Issue 4 Vol 3 | Page 3

IBA SUCCESS YOUR TARGET Audience is OUR TARGET Audience! IBA Success magazine is a marketing campaign geared towards promoting entrepreneurs, organizations and nationwide brands worldwide on a multi-level platform. Our innovative approach delivers results by customizing our distributing pertaining to our advertiser’s demographic audience. IBA remains committed to providing our advertisers with results-driven advertising that will increase brand awareness, build revenue streams and connect you with your target audience. We are devoted to providing affordable and effective options that are specifically designed to help you reach your greatest potential. Our mission is simple, to provide consistent and strategic public relations advertising and marketing guidance as we cultivate a relationship, not just sell an ad! Join the IBA Family as we continue to climb together! MARKETING CAMPAIGN INCLUDES Marketing Consultation with Business Brain Storming, Strategic and Goal Planning On-Line Digital Viewing with SEO OPTIMIZATION over 300,000 Readers Each Campaign 50,000 Hi-Gloss Printed Promotional Pieces distributed directly to your target demographic audience Social Media Campaign posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linked IN, Google and You Tube Public Relations Marketing through Hosted, Sponsored or Invited Events Specific Targeted Industry Related Networking Events - “Where We Go, You Go!” Email Blasting of our growing data base – currently reaches over 45K Text Message Blasting of our growing data base – currently reaches over 60K Over 5K in Paid Subscriptions NEXT CAMPAIGN: January 2018 Deadline: 12/5/2017 IT’S OUR ANNIVERSARY! Edition topics subject to change | ADVERTISE WITH US @ [email protected] | 1-800-719-8231 Ext. 4