IBA SUCCESS MAGAZINE Issue 3 Vol 3 | Page 13

Courtney's CORNER Courtney’s Encouragement Corner Have you ever heard of the old saying, “fake it until you make it”? Something about that statement never set right with me. I mean who really wants to be fake? The definition of fake is: not genuine; counterfeit. There is a longing within each human soul to be their genuine authentic self, to be loved and accepted for who they were called and created to be, imperfections and all. There is so much pressure in our society to compete and compare personally & professionally that we can easily examine and measure our lives through a jaded lens. When we choose to wipe away false expectations and put our eyes on the one who created us we can activate our faith and put our trust in God’s perfect plans & timing for our lives. Don’t ever forget that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. No one on this planet has your fingerprint. You serve a unique and specific purpose. The way you look, think, act, and everything that you’ve gone through is not for your destruction but construction to build others. You are the solution for someone’s problem and will be rewarded greatly! There is a purpose for the process to possess the promises and dreams for your life. I challenge you to flip the script and change your language that you will “faith it until you make it” not fake it anymore. The definition of faith is: the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. You may not be where you want to be yet, but you sure are a long way from where you used to be. Let go, let God, and choose to enjoy the journey. You were born an original; don’t die a copy! Courtney Dawn Shaw is married to her best friend Jeffrey for 14 years, mom to Kingston 9 and Carrington 4, an author, speaker, certified personal trainer, spokesperson, TV Host & Mrs. Florida America 2014-15. She is a member of the President's Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition and an advocate for total health in families. Her passion is to inspire, empower and equip others to live an Authentic Life in Christ. To book Courtney as the keynote speaker or host for your next event contact: Courtney Dawn Shaw [email protected] Call: 407-756-9787 You can also listen to Courtney weekly for encouragement on 94.9 FM 950AM The Word WTLN Orlando "where faith comes by hearing" Connect with her on fb & ig: @courtneydawnshaw