am incredibly proud to celebrate the 3rd Anniversary edition of IBA Success Magazine! This moment is without a doubt
among my greatest achievements, because it is simply more than I ever imagined. We are literally bursting at the seams
with new opportunities to share and this year, we want to push the envelope…introducing you to heightened platforms
to expose your business and enhance your lives! Put on your seat belts!
When this journey began, IBA Success could have taken a hardline approach to business
development, but business is ever evolving. The regimented processes of the past
have fallen by the wayside while new trends are discovered daily. IBA commits to
remaining at the forefront and bringing that news to you.
One of the newest trends is one IBA has pushed from day one — Subject Matter
Experts. Forbes Magazine describes it best. These are folks who can go
beyond your everyday sales/business person. They’ve actually studied a
product to such a degree that there are few who know more than them.
Imagine this – you’re interested in buying a new car. We’ve all been
there. Typical sales people talk about the convenience of the cup
holder and radio capabilities. A few can actually get under the
hood with scant details about the engine and gas mileage. I
want to buy from the person who cannot only tell me about
the engine, but why it’s better or worse than another car
I might be considering. Subject Matter Experts leave
no detailed unturned and are the key to capturing
an unwavering and dedicated market of consumers
who will return to them again and again.
So much of what IBA researches and reports comes
directly from you — our readers. We hear you when
you share your struggles in business and ask our
advice about a particular obstacle. We hear you
when you ask what strategies work best for
tapping into target audiences. Our goal is to have
each issue represent an answer to something
that you may have found challenging. Not only
that, we want to also sing your praises. When
your business meets a particular milestone, let
us know. We’d love to profile you.
IBA is also pleased to report that despite the
political climate, new businesses are springing up
every day and IBA believes we have a little something
to do with it. We are always aspiring to stamp down
fear and place you on a path toward success.
More than anything though, we want IBA to continue to
be your source of inspiration no matter your path in life.
Throughout our time of celebration and expansion, we
will continue to make your needs our priority.
—Jennifer Yon
VOL 4, Issue 1