IB Prized Writing Sevenoaks School IB Prized Writing 2014 | Page 197

Eliza Parr - History doctrine” 54 which should be maintained if a state is to remain objective, just and impartial.  Once  the  “intermingling  of  the  Nazi  party  with  the  state” 55 had been completed and Hitler vested all three sets of powers in himself as legislative leader and “Supreme  Judge” 56 of Germany, the key principles of legality including the separation of powers were undermined, with the consequence that the entire legal system was subverted. This is shown by the fact that “the  SS police [began] increasingly to interfere in the judicial process itself [by] ignoring verdicts...or intervening to have the verdicts changed.” 57 As a result, Germany became a police state whose legal system was twisted and perverted  as  the  Nazis  “emptied  legal  ritual   of  meaning” 58 but kept the skeleton of the Weimar Constitution the same. The Use of Retroactive Legislation Hitler’s  use of retroactive legislation, both by making his own past actions legal and by making previously legal actions of citizens illegal, was another way in which the principles of legality were so undermined that it may be doubted whether the Nazi consolidation of power can be described as a legal revolution. For example, the Law Concerning Measures for the Defence of the State was passed on 3 July 1934 59 “whereby  Hitler  legalized  dozens  of  murders  he  had  ordered...during  the  ‘Night  of  the   Long  Knives’” 60 , when Hitler and the SS arrested and shot Ernst Röhm and other SA leaders, as well as 400 other SA members, who were perceived to be a threat to Hitler’s  grip  on  power. 61 Similarly, a decree passed in 1933 permitted capital punishment for various acts even though the acts had been legal at that time. 62 The passing of these decrees was clearly inconsistent with the Weimar Constitution which states that “An  action  can  only  be  punished  if  the  action  has  been  described  as   punishable by law, before the action was undertaken” 63 as well as with the established Western democratic legal principle, nulla poena sine lege 64 (no punishment without law). Franz L. Neumann, a German Law Professor who fled Nazi Germany in the 1930s, writing in 1937 stated in relation to retroactive Nazi laws that “Retroaction is the most evil assault which the law can commit....Retroaction deprives the law of its real legal character. A retroactive law is no law at all.” 65 As is the case with I. Müller, F.L. Neumann's legal background and German nationality suggest that he might be a more reliable legal commentator than some historians, such as D.G. Williamson who, 54 Wilson, C.H., 1937. The Separation of Powers under Democracy and Fascism. Political Science Quarterly, [online]. 52 (4), Available at http://www.jstor.org/stable/2143970 [accessed 11 June 2013], p. 482 55 Miller, R.L., 1995. Nazi Justiz, Law of the Holocaust. Westport, USA: Praeger, p. 54 56 Anon, (2000). The Nuremberg Trials: The Ministries Cases. The Nuremberg Trials 1945-1949. [online] Available at: http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/nuremberg/alstoetter.htm [accessed 9 June 2013 at 17.24] 57 Noakes, J., & Pridham, G., 1984. Nazism, Volume II, 1919 – 1945. 9 th ed. Exeter: Exeter University Press, p. 279 58 Miller, R.L., 1995. Nazi Justiz, Law of the Holocaust. Westport, USA: Praeger, p. 2 59 ibid 60 ibid 61 Williamson, D.G., 1982. The Third Reich. 15 th ed. Essex: Longman, p. 18 62 Miller, R.L., 1995. Nazi Justiz, Law of the Holocaust. Westport, USA: Praeger, p. 51 63 Anon, (2001) The Weimar Constitution. (HIS,P) PSM Data. [online]. Available at: http://www.zum.de/psm/weimar/weimar_vve.php [accessed 9 June 2013 at 16.43], Article 116 64 Burke, J., 1976. Osbourn's Concise Law Dictionary. 6 th ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell, p. 237 65 Neumann, F.L., 1937. The Change in the Function of Law in Modern Society. In Scheuerman, W.E., The Rule of Law under Siege. London: University of California Press, 1996, p. 113 196 10