IB Prized Writing Sevenoaks School IB Prized Writing 2014 | Seite 107

Nina del Ser - Mathematics Nina del Ser - Mathematics The Octopus ride fascinated me from the very moment I read about it in a homework question, so it was great to be able to dedicate time to it by choosing it as my Extended Essay topic. I went through many difficulties as well as small, but deeply satisfying moments of elation, when I finally found answers to long-pondered questions. My advice to anybody who also opts for a research, rather than literature-based, Extended Essay would be primarily to keep believing in yourself and resist the temptation of giving up at moments of particular lack of inspiration, because the joy felt after solving a problem more than compensates for all these hours of toil and uncertainty! Supervisor: Dr Shari Levine Nina’s approach to a known mathematical project is both novel and beyond her years as a student. Her explanations and diagrams are succinct and approachable, understandable by younger students and those without mathematical expertise. The problem, and her subsequent explanation, shows how mathematics can be fun, interesting, and widely applicable. Anyone who enjoys rides at theme parks, has an interest in planetary movement, or enjoys the visual explanations of difficult mathematical concepts will find something to appreciate in this essay. 106