IB Art Exhibition 2021 | Page 9

Lucy Bullock
My work explores pointillism , and the effects that a series of small stimuli can cause . As I developed this theme , I wanted to use different mediums to achieve the best outcome . I began small , exploring how light and colour created shadows using oil paints . These paintings evolved into a series of lithographs , in which I reduced the clarity of each piece to distort the flow of the image . My style became more ambitious as I began my main piece , where I decided to incorporate both a large-scale and an unusual medium . After researching several artists who worked with the technique of pointillism , from Georges Seurat to Toru kn , I finally found an artist that resonated with me : Bradley Hart . He inspired me to use the ambitious approach of creating an abstract form of the human face out of bubble wrap . The process of creating this piece involved a lot of experimentation , trialling several techniques , for example painting the outside of the bubble wrap . Through trial and error I discovered the way that produced the best outcome was actually injecting each bubble with a syringe , and then sealing the bubble afterwards to prevent the paint escaping .