Freddie Davies
My work has evolved throughout my time at Sevenoaks School . With this , I find the purpose of my art evolves as well . On reflection , my art produced before the IB was lacking in responsiveness , answering to gimmicks and clichés of things I liked . The rise of Covid-19 and quarantine completely shifted the meaning of my work , turning my artwork into a physical response to my thoughts and feelings throughout the coronavirus pandemic . As my relationship with basic feelings , both physical and emotional , changed , I found myself using art as a way to quietly communicate the struggle that I feel , which is shared by many . My relationship with intimacy has impacted my work greatly , as proximity between ourselves creates anger and fear . I have explored this through my use of prints , alluding to my emotional journey with my body throughout 2020 . I also reflect on the psychological journey of 2020 , exploring productivity and completion , through my mixed media sinkholes and my tapestry . Finally , I explored the human relationship with nature through my bacteria textile , trying to explore the change in human relationship with bacteria through 2020 .