IASLC Sept 2013 | Page 9

8 IASLC ATLAS OF ALK TESTING IN LUNG CANCER Manufacturers The following manufacturers and their products are noted in this Atlas. The locations given for each manufacturer is not the only location; most manufacturers have offices worldwide. Abbott Molecular Abbott Park, Illinois, USA Vysis LSI ALK Break Apart FISH Probe Kit, Spectrum Orange Probe, and Spectrum Green Probe Abcam Cambridge, UK Anti-ALK antibody (5A4) BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company) Diagnostics Franklin Lakes, New Jersey, USA SurePath Cell Signaling Technology Danvers, Massachusetts, USA D5F3 antibody (ALK [D5F3] XP Rabbit mAb) Dako Glostrup, Denmark Carpinteria, California, USA ADVANCE, ALK1 antibody, EnVision, EnVision+, EnVision FLEX, and EnVision FLEX+, PT Link, and Target Retrieval Solution Hologic, Inc. Bedford, Massachusetts, USA ThinPrep Invitrogen, Life Technologies Corporation Carlsbad, California, USA Anti-ALK antibody Leica Biosystems Buffalo Grove, Illinois, USA Wetzlar, Germany Bond-Max, Novolink Polymer Detection System Nichirei Biosciences, Inc. Tokyo, Japan 5A4 antibody (Histofine ALK Detection Kit) Novocastra Newcastle, UK 5A4 antibody NanoString Technologies Seattle, Washington, USA NanoString assay Pfizer Oncology New York, New York, USA XalkoriTM Ventana Medical Systems, Inc. (member of the Roche group) Tucson, Arizona, USA BenchMark XT, iVIEW DAB Detection Kit, OptiView DAB IHC Detection Kit, OptiView Amplification Kit, and ultraView Universal DAB Kit, and Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody assay ZytoVision GmbH Bremerhaven, Germany ZytoDot 2C SPEC ALK break-apart probe