IASC 25 years | Page 59

and other partners, take on the formal leadership of design, implementation, coordination and sustained SAON. operation of Arctic observing systems. The AOS At the Arctic Council Ministerial meeting in spring functions as an international forum for optimizing 2009, there was agreement to establish a SA ON resource allocation through coordination and ex- Steering Group (SG), composed of representatives change among researchers, funding agencies, and from the Arctic Council, IASC and WMO. The SG was others involved or interested in long-term observing co-chaired by John Calder of the National Oceanic activities, while minimizing duplication and gaps. and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and David Hik (IASC) and held several meetings, including an In 2014 SAON established two Committees focused open session with funding agencies at the 2010 on (1) Committee on Observations and Networks State of the Arctic conference in Miami and a work- (CON), chaired by Lisa Losetto; and (2) Committee shop on data management in Oslo. Outcomes from on Information and Data Services (CDIS), chaired by this planning process included (1) inventories of Arc- Peter Pulsifer. These committees provide advice to tic observing activities, prepared by all Arctic coun- the Board regarding how to secure and improve (1) tries, providing an opportunity for coordinating and the observations and networks and (2) the accessi- improving national observing and data exchange; bility of information and data services. They serve (2) a summary of Arctic observing needs shared by as a technical platform for ongoing SAON activities agencies, local residents and the science communi- and affiliated Networks. The SAON CDIS effectively ty; (3) promotion of the SAON concept within Arctic merged with the IASC Data Standing Committee of Council, EU, UNESCO, WMO, and a number of regions IASC in fall 2014, establishing a single Arctic com- and countries; (4) initiation of 17 multinational proj- mittee to provide coordination of Arctic data ser- ects (referred to as SAON tasks); and (5) agreement vices. on a SAON implementation structure. The future of SAON will depend on achieving its In spring 2011 the Arctic Council and IASC en- original goals. Over the past years many other dorsed the SAON SG recommendations and fol- organizations have articulated similar objectives, lowing extensive negotiations, both the Arctic and much progress has been made, often in part- Council Nuuk Declaration and IASC Council meeting nership with SAON. in Seoul, South Korea, endorsed the establishment pan-Arctic observing network and data system re- of a SAON Board responsible for all programmatic mains elusive. However, a comprehensive and operational issues of SAON. The Board held its first meeting in Tromsø in January 2012. The Board has wide representation with members from the Sources eight Arctic countries, the Arctic Council Permanent All SAON reports are available on its website: Participants and Working Groups, and non-Arctic www.arcticobserving.org countries and international organizations, all par- Printed reports being sources for this summary are: ticipating in SAON activities with an equal status. - Report of the Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks The Arctic Council nominated the Chair of the SAON (SAON) Initiating Group, Oslo 2008, 12 p. Board (Tom Armstrong) and IASC nominated the - Plan for the Implementation Phase of SAON. vice-Chair (David Hik). Board meetings have normally been held in conjunction with the Arctic Observing Summit (AOS), in Vancouver (2013) and Helsinki (2014). The AOS is a high-level, biennial summit that aims to provide community-driven, science-based guidance for the 58 02 IASC Initiatives Final Report, Oslo 2011, 16 p.