IASC 25 years | Page 49

change and such new groups as ‘Feedbacks from a major volume divided into disciplinary chapters Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems (FATE)’ were formed. with some integrating chapters. This work should Also, regional assessments of climate change were not be a textbook but should focus on observed initiated such as assessments of the Barents Re- and predicted changes. The consequences of these gion (Integrated Regional Impact Studies in the Eu- changes for the peoples of the Arctic and the global ropean North—IRISEN and the Barents Sea Impact community would be integrated in chapters at the Study—BASIS), the Bering Sea Impact Assessment end of the book, leading to a sequence of chapters (BESIS) and the McKenzie Delta Assessment. By the from climate and UV changes, through impacts late 1990s, early concerns about the rapidly chang- on the cryosphere and ecosystems, to impacts on ing Arctic were being confirmed by observations of land management and consequences for people. glacier dynamics by researchers and other observa- In addition to this major volume, a popular science tions by Arctic residents. In addition, the Antarctic summary document would be prepared by a profes- Ozone Hole had been discovered in 1985 and the sional popular science writer and there would be UN Expert Panels had been convened (1988) to other products such as an ACIA film and brochure assess stratospheric ozone depletion and its im- as well as an international conference to launch the pacts. Researchers expected that environmental assessment. and health problems would be particularly severe in the Arctic as well as in the Antarctic. To address the It was also decided that the report would be ex- concerns about changing climate and UV-B radia- tremely rigorous with the same standard of writing, tion, a joint meeting between IASC, AMAP and CAFF review, and response to review as IPCC had estab- was held in April 1999 and an IASC proposal for an lished. The entire work was to be led by a coordi- assessment was used as the basis for discussion. nator (R.W. Corell), a Steering Committee and an A revised version of the proposal was then submit- Assessment Integration Team supported by a Sec- ted to the Arctic Council and the IASC Council for retariat in Fairbanks, Alaska. Each chapter was led by approval. ACIA was formally approved by the AC in an international team of lead authors selected from October 2000 as a joint project between the Arctic open nominations provided by AMAP, CAFF, IASC, Council and IASC. the Indigenous Peoples Secretariat, the Assessment Steering Committee, and several national and The ACIA Process The ACIA approach developed from the three ex- lead authors and IASC´s contacts and quality con- isting regional assessment projects for the Barents trol, contributing authors were identified to write Region, Bering Sea area and the Mackenzie Delta, minor sections or paragraphs. Mainly because of the together with an initial assessment by AMAP in increasingly important recognition of the roles of In- 1998. The experiences from the regional assess- digenous Peoples and other Arctic residents within ments, together with an AMAP draft plan based on the Arctic Council, chapter authors were encouraged its initial pan-Arctic climate change review, provid- to involve perceptions of Indigenous Peoples. This ed the foundation for planning the future ACIA. At led to some tokenism, whereby a particular quota- one of the first ACIA scientific meetings in 2000, tion by an Indigenous Person would head a chapter, it was agreed that ACIA would have a circumarctic but more importantly, traditional knowledge was assessment with integration of findings for four incorporated with science knowledge, probably for Arctic regions (I—North-east Greenland, Fennos- the first time in a major assessment, and a young candia, and the European Russian Arctic; II—Central social anthropologist played an important role in Siberia; III—Eastern Siberia and Alaska; IV—Canada the terrestrial ecosystems chapter. Later, the suc- and West and Central Greenland). During the meet- cess of combining the two knowledge systems (in ing and soon afterward, a structure for the work some chapters) led to a publication in the scientif- emerged, and the modus operandi. There would be 48 00 international organizations. With the help of these ic literature1 and a commendation by the Chair of 02 IASC Initiatives