IASC 25 years | Page 10

01 D eve l o p m e nt of I AS C 1.1 Initiation of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC): Odd Rogne with contributions from Robert W. Corell and Vladimir M. Kotlyakov need for a strong circumpolar scientific organization that would not be restricted to specific scientific disciplines. Another important aspect of understanding developments in the Arctic is its geopolitical significance after World War II. International scientific cooperation in the Arctic has a long and interesting history. In order to under-   stand why the International Arctic Science Commit- Glasnost and Perestroika tee (IASC) was established, it is important to learn The Cold War was a strong reality in the Arctic, as about the initiatives and cooperation that preced- the Arctic Ocean represented the shortest distance ed it. IASC did not start from nothing, but evolved between the superpowers (the USA and the USSR). through a series of developments. The background Military infrastructure was being ramped up on both to IASC is well documented in the contribution by sides, as well as early warning systems, to prevent Fred Roots (see Chapter 3.1) and will not be repeat- missile attacks. Although it was a terrible situation, ed here. Arctic scientists and weather observatories benefitted to some extent from the development of Although this paper focuses on the history of IASC, infrastructure and transportation. due prominence should be given to emerging circumpolar scientific thought, and the essential role This development cooled during Khrushchev´s time of science in the Polar Regions as a component of and discussions among the Arctic rim nations (those world scientific consciousness. bordering the Arctic Ocean) began. The initial agenda was broad. However, it was soon n