P ref a c e
Initiation of the International Arctic
Science Committee (IASC):
Susan Barr
IASC President 2014
the membership continues to grow. This fact alone
proves that those involved in arctic science consider
IASC to be relevant and important. In addition I wish
to highlight some developments that I have seen
during my period of direct involvement, starting as a
Council member in 2008. The Arctic Science Summit
Week, which began in a modest way in 1999, has
become a leading forum for interaction and communication. The Association of Early Career Scien-
The First International Polar Year 1882-83 was
tists (APECS), which grew out of the Fourth Polar
initiated with the goal of changing the focus of arc-
Year 2007-2008, has been and continues to be
tic expeditions from personal and national ambitions
strongly supported by IASC, as is also the inclusion
to scientific cooperation for the common good. This
of indigenous representatives in the development
cooperation increased and expanded through the
of arctic science. The establishment in 2010 of the
following three Polar Years. At the same time the
five Working Groups enables active scientists to
number of scientific bodies cooperating on specific
participate more strongly in providing initiatives and
disciplines increased until arctic science seemed to
cross-cutting possibilities for arctic research. Not
be well covered with scientific societies and com-
least I am personally pleased to note the stronger
mittees. In the Antarctic the International Geophys-
position that the humanities and social sciences
ical Year 1957-58 (Third Polar Year) established the
now has within the IASC system. The newly-estab-
Special (later Scientific) Committee on Antarctic
lished Fellowship Program to help young scientists
Research (SCAR) in order to increase cooperation
develop a network within their own discipline, and
and structuring of the various scientific activ-
the expansion of the IASC Secretariat to include
ities, and SCAR became a model for the idea of a
more officers based in their own countries, are the
non-governmental scientific body in the Arctic that
latest initiatives of IASC which underline the organi-
could help to promote and facilitate cooperation and
zation’s purpose as a non-governmental organiza-
coordination within the various disciplines over the
tion that aims to encourage, facilitate and promote
entire circum-Arctic.
cooperation in all aspects of arctic research in all
countries engaged in arctic research and in all areas
The background for the establishment of IASC was
of the arctic region.
many faceted and involved also shifting international political developments as is well documented
This account of “25 Years of Arctic Research
in this review of IASC’s history. Once the organiza-
Cooperation” could have been a relatively dry list-
tion was established, however, the development
ing of facts. However, the contributors have all
from 1990 to today has proved that the idea of
been, or still are, deeply committed to the develop-
such a body was both sound and, indeed, seems to
ment of the International Arctic Science Commit-
have been successful beyond even the ambitions of
tee and they convey an insight, engagement and
its founders.
enthusiasm that lifts the story to a higher level. I am
sure that both the knowledgeable and the less in-
This preface will not attempt to summarize the
volved reader will find much here to awaken interest
developments that are documented in the book,
and understanding, not only of IASC itself, but also
but I will point to the fact that IASC now consists
of the general history of the last 25 years of arctic
of representatives of 22 member countries and