tiated an internal process to cut at least one layer
The Oslo meeting was a positive brainstorming
of bureaucracy in the Soviet administration, which
session, and a small working group (Rogne, Roots,
meant that key Soviet people were reluctant to go
and Taagholt) was tasked to elaborate on the ideas
abroad and miss the opportunity to defend their po-
presented. There was unanimous agreement to pro-
sition at home. The solution to USSR representation
ceed, and to organize a larger meeting (there was
was to engage the Science Advisor at the USSR
an indication that Sweden would be interested in
Embassy in Oslo. He was advised to check some
hosting). The minutes of the consultative meeting
of the expected key issues with GKNT and other
in Oslo also summarized the outcome of the San
bodies in Moscow, so he could effectively represent
Diego meeting and strongly appealed to all partic-
the USSR at the meeting held Friday 13 February
ipants to use available channels to encourage the
1987 in Oslo, Norway.
USSR to fully join in the discussion.
The Oslo gathering served as a scoping meeting for
IASC, and was followed by a rather intensive period
of consultati