Odd Rogne, Fred Roots and Magnus Magnusson (left to right) at a meeting in Reykjavik,
Iceland, 1992.
Photo provided by Odd Rogne
some holes in the armor that allowed for scientific
from Arctic nations with the idea of exploring Arc-
contact, and a certain number of projects continued.
tic scientific cooperation. Odd Rogne was given the
During the 80s, some changes were noticed in the
task of organizing this meeting because he head-
USSR. Discussions began on bilateral scientific co-
ed the Norwegian delegation discussing Norwe-
operation in the Arctic between Canada and the
gian-Soviet scientific cooperation in the North. The
USSR, and shortly thereafter between Norway and
Soviet counterpart was the State Committee on
the USSR. President Gorbatchev introduced such
Science and Technology (GKNT), an inter-ministerial
Russian terms as glasnost and perestroika, which
body close to the top of Soviet administration.
prompted the world to watch for any further changes in the USSR.
What was meant by ‘Arctic nations’ was not clear,
and needed clarification before the meeting would
The other superpower (USA) was watching even
be called. The term used at that time was ‘Arctic
more intensively. In 1985, the President of the USA
rim nations,’ which included three large countries
established the US Arctic Research Commission,
(Canada, the USA and the USSR) and two smaller
and appointed James H. Zumberge as its first Chair-
countries (Denmark and Norway). After informal
man. Zumberge was also President of the Universi-
consultations (starting with the Arctic rim nations),
ty of California at Los Angeles and President of the
it was decided that “countries with territories north
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
of the Arctic Circle” would be used as the definition
of an Arctic country. As a consequence, Finland and
Zumberge was in a good position to explore current
Sweden were added to the list of invitees. Later, it
and possible future cooperation in Arctic research,
was brought forth that a small area of Iceland lay
and he did so by inviting representatives from coun-
north of the Arctic Circle, and so by adding these
tries undertaking Arctic research to an informal
three there was a final list of eight Arctic countries.
meeting during the XIX SCAR meeting in San Di-
The process for deciding on the definition was to
ego, USA in June 1986. Odd Rogne (Director of the
ask all Arctic rim nations their opinion. As there were
Norwegian Polar Institute) and Fred Roots (Environ-
no objections, representatives of all Arctic countries
ment Canada) served as advisors for this meeting.
were invited to the Oslo meeting. This definition
was later adopted by the Arctic Environmental Pro-
The main outcome of the San Diego lunch meeting
tection Strategy (AEPS) and ultimately by its suc-
was an agreement to continue to explore the pos-
cessor, the Arctic Council (AC)
sibility of creating an international Arctic science
committee.2 However, as the USSR had as its policy
to cooperate bilaterally with Arctic rim nations, it
Arctic countries would be represented at the meet-
was agreed that another meeting would be orga-
ing, and particularly the USSR with its ‘bilateral only’
nized in some months’ time with representatives
The biggest challenge was to ensure that all the
policy. At that time, President Gorbatchev had ini-
01 Development
06 Appendices of IASC