... I was reminded of the sociological theory, advocated by many scholars, according to which "voluntary servitude" must be the common constant of all newly evolved communities, where peaceful coexistence can exist only thanks to the divisions of classes into dominant and dominated.

Man has always been a prisoner of the few; even in our time nothing has changed: from a single dominant we have passed, with the passing of history, to a very few privileged, who are now hidden and well protected in the coterie.

The imposed wickedness, greed, anxiety, had always existed; why had no one fought them to the fullest, working to improve consciences? Now, in addition, we are overwhelmed and oppressed by a thousand other things such as: mortgages, money, sense of guilt, rules, governments, debts, bills to pay, waste, competition, the many taxes that they were "imposed" on us by an enormous amount of parasitic entities. I had personally found that - thanks to my "new teachers" - it was essential to create anxiety and insecurity among peoples ....

From ARIA COMPRESSA short story by Gabriele Cavagna published in 2014 Youcanprint Self – Publishing

Memory by Marco Bozzini, Founding Partner, Academician, Director Painting Department International Institute of Art Europe

gabriele cavagma