Only dialogue can bring down walls and beliefs that otherwise would not prove their history.

In fact, the Taliban in Afghanistan have destroyed monuments, museums, sculptures, writings to erase the history of the people. A people without history has no identity is like having wanted to purify the territory of an identity that is inconvenient to them for the history and the wisdom. But undoubtedly we are talking about international guerrilla groups that have declared war on humanity and we know very well that in this case to justify these painful actions, which in many cases have affected various states such as America, and the whole of Europe with different actions of urban guerrilla warfare, they invoked the Holy War to give their justification and rationalize the motive. To be optimistic, one could believe in the hypothesis of Peace and world cooperation to be able to reason with this hypothetical trend, i could advance the thought of being able to live in an ideal world, where culture and art have invested the need for knowledge , all people exchange ideas, artistic images and music, literature and poetry, all kind of Art Styles as a whole. Knowledge brings wisdom, education, availability and security.

Flight of butterflies