“An important role in the individual and creative assistance to the formation of artists-teachers should be given to personal example in education and training. A personal example in individually and creatively contributing to the formation of an artist is an example of the life and work of teachers, parents, artists and other authoritative and significant persons whom the pupil follows. We consider the teacher's personal example as a transfer of life experience. It opens up a goal for students to strive for, to achieve heights in creative development and professional development ”[2]. It turns out that international cooperation also helps in creating a creative environment in painting classes, filling the professional development of art students with an information component. Always after interesting creative trips, I tried to share my experience with my followers. Usually we met with students in the classroom or in my art studio, and I showed photographs, sketches, sketches, works created during the trip. The exchange of creative experience is an interesting process, it fills the learning with bright events, new dreams. Students immerse themselves in the study of the subject of painting and master the discipline on a completely different level. In the conditions of creating a creative environment in the classroom, students have a desire to learn, learn new knowledge, develop creatively, and this contributes to professional artistic development.

We are all united by art, and we feel a special energetic component that unites creators in creating their own hypotheses of the world, the emergence of life, philosophical concepts and interpretations of images. The exchange of creative ideas and images in the aspect of world cooperation is the basis for the development of art, revealing the fragile facet of creativity.