in a new reality. The main theme of my work with children and young people has always been art and fashion. The younger generation becomes an adult with developed moral principles, possessing artistic skills, a lover of Art, Fashion and Beauty. And beauty, as you know, will save the world!

Hypothesis of peace - international cooperation in science, art and education. Together we are strong! And art and fashion could become a priority, a common idea of global cooperation between states.

Bibliographic description: Razenkov, I. V. Influence of fine arts on the development of a child's personality in the system of additional education / I. V. Razenkov. - Text: direct // Real problems of pedagogy: materials of the V International. scientific. conf. (Chita, April 2014). - T. 0. - Chita: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2014. - S. 171-173.

URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/102/5358/ (access date: 22.11.2020).

IAMAQ Magazine 3/2020