machines to wipe out our fellow men by the millions on theslightest of false pretexts. Billions are spent hoping to reach another planet to colonise when it was very likely us that ruined Mars.

One civilisation after another has disappeared from the face of this earth, the lessons never learned, and our own is about to do so, unless our administrations and fellow men can be persuaded urgently to alter behaviours and apply the missing ethics to life, to willing self control of our increase, to government, to science and every endeavour and enterprise we undertake, personal or corporate.

It is Quantum Science Biology that carries the truthful intelligence that is missing from the science that has been practised, and the warmongering persisting against our fellow men, and it is the Quantum Science Art that carries the proof over what was not understood before.

Plato warned about the dangers of atomic matter, we have ignored that and the ethics so desperately needed, and our peril is upon us.

The stereoscopic sequence of colours contains the visible proof, easily available to the public by the use of 3D glasses, and is equally there to be made use of by neurologists and scientists.

These matters and the applied ethics are the essential teaching of Quantum Science Art so urgently needed if we are to lift ourselves out of the chaos and destruction we have created. What might we become if we made sure we put noble government in place? And kept it so?

IAMAQ Magazine 3/2020