there were many more mysteries. We can say that quantum physics began with this experiment.

Each elementary particle is not only a quantum, that is, a solid particle, but also a wave. This is how wave-particle dualism appeared in quantum physics, the first paradox and the beginning of the discoveries of the mysterious phenomena of the microworld. Decoherence is a transition from an undeveloped quantum state to a mixed and classical one. Decoherence occurs in any interaction of the system with the environment in the information exchange process. And we exchange information with the environment, a person mainly with his conscience. The decoherence theory shows us that in addition to the classical world we are used to, we are surrounded by the quantum world. We feel like we are living in a nesting doll, where we are permeated by other subtle levels of the universe, with their space and time. And above all there is a non-local quantum source, where there is no time and space, but only pure information: the World Mind. We can say that decoherence is a manifestation of matter from the otherworldly quantum world. The emergence of the classical world, usual for us, made up of the rigid bodies we observe. In the decoherence process, time and space arise. After all, decoherence theory tells us that at the subtlest level, the entire universe, all surrounding objects, and all of us are connected to each other. All objects in the universe interact with each other. So there is a quantum entanglement at the cosmic level. With deeper analysis, scientists discover that any elementary quantum particle, and the same light, can be in multiple places at once. And these are not miracles, but real facts of the microcosm. If the particles have interacted with each other, after separation, a magical connection remains between them, even if they are spaced at any arbitrarily large distance. There is an instant connection between the particles, not because the information is transmitted very quickly, but because on a deeper level they are simply not separate, they are still together. They are in what is called quantum entanglement. That is, a state of entanglement is a state of the system in which, according to some parameters or values, it cannot be divided into separate, completely independent parts. We can both become entangled in something, that is, on a subtle level, be united and, conversely, lose quantum unity.

The teleportation process has already moved from the science fiction category to reality. Scientists have teleported particles more than once. Everything is explained very simply. There is a particle, for example, an electron A and two pairs of electrons B and C in entanglement. Electron A and a pair B, C are located at different points in space, no matter how far apart. And now let's translate particles A and B into quantum entanglement, that is, let's put them together. Now C becomes exactly the same as A, because their general state does not change. That is, particle A is teleported to particle C.

Hence, we understand that there is a deeper, unmanifested reality. And what we observe as a familiar classical world is only a small part, a special case of a more fundamental quantum reality. It does not contain space, time, any parameters of particles, only information about them, the potential for their manifestation. When you touch quantum art, you become not only farsighted, but you also understand that a quantum artist synthesizes and expresses evolution, directs us to explore new models of life, new social relationships.