IAMAQ Magazine 3/2020


Dear friends and readers!

First of all, my thoughts go to my friend and multifaceted artist Gabriele Cavagna! With Gabriele we have experienced intense moments of art since 2008, in the most important exhibitions organized by QAGI, then by MAQ in Milan, the Province and the Lombardy Region: in the exhibition rooms and also in the street with our gazebos; with performances organized in collaboration with the "I Poeti dell'Ariete" Association, of which Gabriele was the founder and president for over thirty years. A few pages are dedicated to Gabriele to help understand the importance of his art, of his very innovative and forerunner ideas.

This issue is special and is dedicated to a topic that is heard by the vast majority of the world population: “Hypothesis of Peace-World Cooperation”. Especially in this period, global cooperation is not only necessary, but also essential to overcome the current health, social, economic and cultural crisis.

We have reached the end of this very particular and anomalous year, however, thanks to the commitment of all the members of the IAMAQ Academy, we have managed to grow qualitatively and quantitatively! Thanks to everyone's commitment, we have worked in strong synergy and have achieved important goals: we have published this magazine with articles in various languages, the CNR (Italian) National Research Council has recognized us the ISSN number. The IAMAQ Academy has been registered as a small publishing house with its ISBN number, we have expanded our international and Italian partnerships. In this year of global pandemic we have managed to organize virtual and even face-to-face exhibitions: in chronological order, the poetry exhibition in Mauritius, organized by Boopen Doobah, Director of the International Institute of Indian Art; the online conference of poets in Argentina, various interviews on Egyptian TV; the poetry competition organized by Laura Dorado, Director of the International Institute of Art Latin America, in collaboration with SADE Tucuman-Argentina with the President Prof. Alejandra Burzac Saens; the great exhibition with the presence of people in the city of Volgograd, Russia at the MBU Museum "Cultural Center and Youth Policy, Krasnoarmeisky District of Volgorgad" and organized and curated by Natalia Morozova, Vice President and Director of the International Institute of Art Russia- Asia; this was the first major IAMAQ exhibition in Russia and with the physical presence of