IACP Human and Civil Rights Committee 2016 Annual Report IACP Human & Civil Rights Committee (Annual Report | Page 4

M E SSA G E fr om CH A IR On behalf of the collective work of the IACP Human and Civil Rights Committee, I am pleased to present our 2018 annual report. As I step down as chair, I reflect on the last four years of service and the amazing accomplishments that this committee has achieved for the betterment of our profession. The value of elevating the preservation of civil rights conversation is more important than ever before. I fully believe that the incredible work completed by the members of this committee undoubtedly shaped public policy and increased awareness across the criminal justice field. IACP President Louis Dekmar and the entire Executive Board have been instrumental in ensuring the success of our committee's efforts. The emphasis that we have placed on this topic would not have been possible without the support of this amazing organization. Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to serve as your chair. The friendships and experience gained during my tenure have made me a better leader both professionally and personally. W ILL D. JO H N SO N ARLINGTON, TEXAS POLICE CHIEF Page 3 GENERAL CHAIR - THE IACP HUM AN & CIVIL RIGHTS COM M ITTEE