IA Interior Architects The Revived Workplace by IA Interior Architects | Page 5

THE REVIVED WORKPLACE Assessment & Action Plan Resources Workplace Readiness Assessment • An interactive client discussion to evaluate your existing workplace using the workplace readiness assessment tool. The results define the preliminary view of your current state and inform our approach to interim and potential longer-term adjustments. RESOURCES Existing Floorplan & Occupancy Review Gap Analysis • A review of your representative existing floorplan(s) and furniture plan(s) noting potential reconfiguration opportunities and adjustments for consideration through the lens of social distancing. • An assessment report that identifies gaps and preliminary direction for adapting your work environment. Action Plan • A comprehensive outline of your organization’s unique approach to place, processes, practices, services, protocols, technology, and governance. Comprehensive Report • A final synopsis that includes an executive summary, action plan, and preliminary time frame for implementation. 4 | IA INTERIOR ARCHITECTS