#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 91












Learn a foreign language

Rosetta Stone software is available at no cost to students through the library database of Reinhardt’s Hill Freeman library. You could learn Arabic, Chinese, English, French, and Filipino!

Put youself in a situation where you are the minority

Too often, we only interact with those from similar backgrounds, race, and culture as our own. Spending time building relationships with people from different cultures will help foster better understanding and help you gain respect and make terrific friends. Step outside your comfort zone!

Watch foreign films

One of the best ways to learn a foreign language culture is through watching films. Movies have the ability to help us see other people's perceptions of the world. Fourth screens like Netflix, Hulu and even YouTube have given us the ability to visit many cultures, virtually. Want to get started? Watch Cartel Land on Netflix.

Study the world's religions

Almost all civilization takes root in religious beliefs that shape each culture. Understanding religion is a key to building relations on the deepest of levels. Our belief system is the framework that shapes our daily lives.

Talk to someone who's from another country

With the large number of international students on campus, you are bound to run into one sooner or later. Take the time to talk to them. Ask them about their culture!

Attend cultural events

Take the time out of your busy schedule to attend one of the many International Coffee Hours or the spring Culture Fest on campus. You’ll be surprised by how many diverse global cultures are represented at Reinhardt.


One of the best ways to understand a culture is to place yourself in the middle of it. Fully immerse yourself in a country where you don’t know the language and are constantly trying new foods. You will meet so many amazing people along your journey who will change your life.

Ways To Enhance Your Cultural Understanding

Learn karate, yoga, meditation, etc.

Many cultural practices from around the world emphasize the body-mind connection and help you attain both mental and physical strength and agility. They can be both empowering and relaxing. Take a class!

Study Abroad

By studying abroad, you can soak up the allure and culture of a new land. Study abroad is a life-changing experience for many students! Open your eyes to different ways of life and promoting understanding and tolerance!

Aid in providing social services to a group in need

Surrounding yourself with people of different groups helps you build a better understanding of who they are—and who you are! The stories they may share with you are invaluable.

We live now in a global village and we are in one single family. It’s our responsibility to bring friendship and love from all different places around the world and to live together in peace."

--Jackie Chan