#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 69

In addition, the people throughout campus made a huge impact on my decision.” She voiced passionately, “Obviously, people are going to put their best foot forward while on an interview, but the people I met were authentically kind and caring. You could really tell that they found a great joy in the work they were doing at Reinhardt. And that’s when I knew this was the place for me!”

Upon being named President, her life changed overnight,, “Finally, it was more than just a dream. It was a reality!” Mallard said excitedly. Then she quickly followed with a poignant reflection, “It was by far one of my proudest moments, along with raising two wonderful daughters of my own.”

Sam Croce, a senior volleyball player at Reinhardt, remarks about Reinhardt’s new leader, “It’s awesome having a President that is so involved on campus. During preseason, in the apartments, she has the doors and railings pointed blue to support our school colors and make it more lively instead of the regular old black paint. Also, I think it’s remarkable how I’m almost positive that I have seen her at almost every athletic event I’ve been to!”

Dr. Mallard and Darian Harris at "S'mores with Sophomores"

Photographed by Jeff Reed

Her first impression of Reinhardt was that it had a strong performing arts program, and she felt that really fit her, considering she was originally a theater major. Mallard also found the campus and campus life cultivating. She says, “The beauty of the campus is what really caught my attention. In addition, the people throughout campus made a huge impact on my decision.” She voiced passionately, “Obviously, people are going to put their best foot forward while on an interview, but the people I met were authentically kind and caring. You could really tell that they found a great joy in the work they were doing at Reinhardt. And that’s when I knew this was the place for me!”

"Reinhardt is the place for me!"