#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 58

He attributes his passion for social justice to these incidents because he saw the way his mother handled those situations with courage and compassion. While attending public school, he was able to make friends with children of different backgrounds, get involved in different activities and be in a culturally diverse environment.

He also recalls an experience in his first year of seminary that inspired his passion. He was assigned to work at Decatur Cooperative Ministries counseling at-risk, homeless families. He believes that hearing other people’s stories and learning from them allowed him to be interested in learning more of the facts behind people others see as

"He believes that hearing other people’s stories and learning from them allowed him to be interested in learning more of the facts behind people.”

bad” rather than just listening to what everyone else is saying about them.

Thrasher attended Wofford University as an undergraduate, studied abroad at St. Andrews University in Scotland, then attended seminary at the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, where he is currently enrolled in the doctoral program.

When asked to describe his college years, he smiles deviously and with a chuckle says, “Really, really fun!” He admits to enjoying every aspect of college. He didn’t have many long-term goals; rather, he just enjoyed where he was as he discovered what classes he enjoyed and which ones he didn’t enjoy.

Fall Alternative Trip

Photograph by Elizabeth Smith

Fall Alternative Trip