#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 5

During the second half of our spring semester in COM 206 (Feature Writing), Dr. Pam Wilson gave the class the task to create a magazine that shared the stories and experiences of the diverse individuals who help form the foundation of Reinhardt University. With the inspiration of the first volume of #i2amRU produced by the Spring 2015 class/staff, the theme we chose mirrors the "I, Too, Am Reinhardt" Conference on Race, Culture and Diversity held that first spring.

As a magazine staff, we quickly embraced the strengths of each classmate and determined what each of us could specialize in, in addition to writing our assigned articles. I was appointed Editor-in-Chief, with Abby Snelson in the role of Assistant Editor. Jenna Bednarsky and Katelyn Weinbarg focused on editing articles and taking on extra jobs when needed. The design team included Lindsey Dorval, Katelyn Weinbarg, Daniel Bivins, Brandon Ampel, and Jalen Holloman.

Our journalistic writings went through multiple rounds of revisions, suggestions, and group sharings before reaching the final stages ready for publication. Though we faced many challenges along the way, like learning how to use the magazine software and making sure we met deadlines, I am very proud of the final product in which we incorporated many hours of hard work.

We hope that through reading #i2amRU, each of you sees the importance of diversity and the many lessons we can teach each other, the most important being open mindedness. Each of us at Reinhardt is a unique piece of the puzzle of this University, and even with the stories we’ve published, so many untold stories from the people who surround us every day still remain to be told. Take the time to get to know someone! You never know the life lesson it may teach you.


Karina Rodriguez


Executive Editor: Dr. Pam Wilson

Professor of Communication & Media Studies, Reinhardt University

[email protected]