#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 40

Fox 5's Karen Graham with Moses

Quentin Moses’s best friend, teammate, and colleague, fellow coach Gregory Blue, says of him, “He’s motivated on the field, but his motivational voice off the field had a major impact on the team.”

Moses feels that being able to speak to people is one of the great qualities that has set him apart from many of his counterparts. “Being able to share my story, my history, my life lessons, is important to me. Not everyone gets to share stories to many unique kids in many different environments,” he notes.

When Moses was playing in the NFL, every Tuesday was an opportunity for athletes to go and talk to kids at many different schools. Moses felt as if he would be doing himself an injustice if he did not go share his story every Tuesday.

"Being able to share my story, my history, my life lessons, is important to me."

Motivational speaking plays a significant role in Coach Moses’s life today. Many athletes suffer from not being able to com-municate well, so he feels that being able to speak to a large crowd, or just being able to speak in general, is a gift from God. Moses has not only been one of the anchors of our football team’s pregame motivation spee-ches, but he has also given speeches to other groups of athletes in sports at Reinhardt other than football.

While speaking, Moses respectfully de-mands the attention of the listeners while he motivates the members of the audience to be the best they can possibly be. Most of the time, his speeches focus on issues the team or people in his audiences are currently going through. He uses his own life stories to create images for the audience.