#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 34

unable to practice, so she needed to find something to keep herself busy in the meantime. That’s when she heard about D.R.E.A.M.S., a student organization on campus that stands for Developing Rational Empowered African Americans Motivating Society. When Haynes heard about it, she felt that the name embodied everything she believed in.

After the first meeting, she knew there was a place for her and that she could and would do great things as a part of this organization. The president, Adrian Hayes, spoke to many students about needing more executive board members, so Haynes took it upon herself to apply for one of the positions and accepted the position of secretary.

Being involved in D.R.E.A.M.S. has enhanced her social abilities around campus, and now she is known as a social butterfly.

“We knew that Courtney would be a perfect fit for a board member because she has become a staple on our campus,” explained Adrian. “Just when she is walking around, she will speak to almost every person that walks by, and we felt that we needed someone that can reach various groups and bring them together.”

Watching her interact at the D.R.E.A.M.S. meeting, you can see that this organization holds a dear place in her heart. She speaks with confidence and is very assertive when talking about bringing more activities, including pro-diversity initiatives, to the Reinhardt campus.

However, at first her friends were not very supportive of her new position because they knew that it would take time away from them.

Haynes after a long birthday.

"We knew that Courtney would be a perfect fit."