#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 24

you on and listen and tell you that they believe in you. It taught me how to appreciate the little things we take for granted: eating lunch across from your best friend, driving around listening to music on the radio, watching a movie in the same house. These moments that happen every day for most friends were sweeter for us if only because they only happened for a week before he had to drive back to Florida.

We’ve learned a lot from each other. He taught me how to take deep breaths and think before I act, and I taught him how to actually connect with his feelings and talk about them. He’s a Northerner learning how to live in the South.

I get to see him again this spring for a few days.

If I’ve learned anything from having a best friend I can’t see every day, it’s to slow down, look around, and be thankful for the things we are comfortable with just having.

Photos provided by Jenna Bednarsky