#i2amRU (I, Too, Am Reinhardt) Volume 2 Spring 2016 Volume 2 | Page 15

My final attack is a com-bination of kicks. After landing my hook kick, the referee names me as the winner.

He loudly announces, “Aka Hakash.” This means “red side wins.”

I watch the next match and wait for my own next match to begin. After I win three more matches, the judge declares me the winner of my division. Everyone lines up awaiting our medals. I have won gold in kata and sparring.

I am happier than I have ever been. My family congratulates me when I get home. They were unable to attend due to my little brother's soccer game.

“Sorry we couldn’t watch you,” my parents say.

“It’s fine,” I respond with the tone that conveys my disdain at this becoming a common trend.

To celebrate, we feast at Marietta Diner, a restaurant that is now one of my favorites of all time. I order the Triple Italian Special. After the first delectable bite, I think to myself, I have died and gone to heaven. Each and every bite has a delicious cheese mixed with pasta cooked to perfection. The chicken parmesan is the perfect amount of crispy and makes my mouth water. I eat the entire plate in the majestically lit diner. Their plates normally end up as three days of leftovers. It is the best meal I have ever eaten. It teaches me that, with enough exercise, you can eat all you want.

I am so happy and elated that I can’t sleep this night. The next day, I fall asleep in class for the first time since elementary school. I walk to school and sleep in the hall until class starts.

eaten. It teaches me that, with enough exercise, you can eat all you want.

I am so happy and elated that I can’t sleep this night. The next day, I fall asleep in class for the first time since elementary school. I walk to school and sleep in the hall until class starts. When math begins with busy work, I fall asleep. The teacher slams the textbook on my desk, startling me. This is the moment I learn that, with great success, one must also keep a level head.

I think back on the tournament wishing I would get the chance to know either of the pretty ladies better, but to no avail.

"I am happier than I have ever been."


Brandon and his sparring partner. Photos provided by Brandon Ampel.