Message from the editor
Welcome to the latest issue of iWorld . Hope everyone is doing well . As for me , life is quite hectic . I am busy with teaching summer school , trying to finish papers before the deadlines of the conferences approach , supervising numerous graduate ( MSc and PhD ) students , visiting companies to examine their project proposals , organizing private computer courses , grading exams and doing some administrative stuff at our computer engineering department .
It gives me great pleasure to be a part of IHouse community as an Editor-in-Chief of iWorld . I believe it is very important to keep the connection with the iHouse community and the friends we made at the time . iWorld serves as a great tool for this purpose . When I read iWorld , I get a chance to hear how some of my iHouse friends and staff are doing , and this makes me really happy .
I would like to thank Sarvelia Peralta-Duran , the Alumni Relations Director at iHouse , for her great efforts to keep iWorld alive .
I would like to thank all the alumni who shared their stories with us . Please keep in touch by contributing to iWorld .
Best regards from Turkey , M . Fatih Akay ( 2001 – 2005 )
Alumni and Friends of International House Philadelphia Newsletter – July 2013