Alumni Giving Back
Alumni Honor Roll
Alumni contributions to IHP ensure the development of programs that enhance resident life and intercultural communication . Alumni involvement is crucial to the health , growth and success of our organization . Alumni can contribute in many different forms either by volunteering to run programs for residents and other alumni , by donating goods and services or by making much-needed financial contributions .
IHP would like to thank and recognize the following alumni for their generous contributions this past fiscal year :
Aravind Joshi | Frank Anbari | Jeanne Delcasino | John Tom | Chuck Gupta | Sheldon Lipson Parviz Sorouri | Patricia Le Foll | Inaldo Nascimento | Ashok Davar
How Can You Give Back ?
Donate to The Arts + Humanities Fund , Residential Life Fund , or to Areas of Greatest Need .
For more information about making a financial contribution or naming opportunies , contact : Jessamyn Falcone at 215.387.5142 , or email jessamynf @ ihphilly . org .
Become an IHP Ambassador !
We need your help letting other people know about IHP and the amazing community it helps develop . Also , we like helping our alumni get together with each other even after they have left the building , so you can assist us in bringing people together for gatherings in your region of the world .
Contact Alumni Relations : iworldihp @ ihphilly . org or 215.895.6598 .
Save the Date
July 19 , August 16 , September 13 , October 18 Social Hour & Departing Resident Receptions
Saturday , July 27 , 2pm Family Matinee – My Neighbor Totoro
Thursday , August 8 , Time TBD EID feast
Saturday , August 24 , 2pm Family Matinee – Red Balloon / White Mane
Thursday , September 12 , 7pm IHP ’ s Benefit Art Auction & Season Kick-off : featuring live performance by Zola Jesus + JG Thrilwell
Saturday , September 14 , 2pm Family Matinee – Nana
Tuesday , September 17 , time TBA Culture & Cuisine